Playing "La Desbandá 1937" online (Roll20 and other VTTs)

I've just added a resource package to play the role-playing game "La Desbandá 1937" online through any Virtual Tabletop (VTT) such as Roll20. You can find it in the list of downloadable files named "La Desbandá 1937 - VTT".

If you want to create a game in Roll20 to play with your group, here are some tips to make it easier.

Game System

The game system of "La Desbandá 1937" is based on Cthulhu Dark. Fortunately, Roll20 supports this system in its list of character sheets.

STEP 1: Creating the Game

Create the game by selecting the "Cthulhu Dark" character sheet to use that template.

Selecting the Character Sheet Template for Cthulhu Dark
Selecting the Character Sheet Template for Cthulhu Dark

STEP 2: Creating Character Sheets

When creating character sheets, we'll add the Name, Description, and Occupation in the "Character Sheet" section.

The character's "Break" value will be managed through the "Insight" attribute, so we'll set an initial value of 1.

Filling out the Character Sheet

Filling out the Character Sheet

STEP 3: Making Rolls

To make rolls, the character sheet provides buttons for rolling dice directly.

Dice Rolling Buttons

Dice Rolling Buttons

From the displayed result, it will always show the highest value (4 in the following image). In the event that we have rolled the Break die, its value will be that of the last die (2 in the following image).

Outcome of a Roll

Outcome of a Roll

Visual Aids

In the downloads list, there is a file named "La Desbandá 1937 - VTT" that contains a set of visual resources, facilitating the creation of games in Roll20:

  • Tokens for NPCs in the game
  • Map of the road between Málaga and Almería

Contents of the Assets Package

Contents of the Assets Package

Roll20 also allows you to upload the PDF of the game, which you can download from "La Desbandá 1937 - English Edition.pdf," to share the rules with the rest of the players, as well as the other visual resources described within the game:

  • "El Popular" newspaper (Page 31)
  • Old maps of Málaga and other cities (Page 32)

Game in Roll20

Game in Roll20

Wishing everyone a great gaming session!


La Desbandá 1937 - VTT 526 kB
50 days ago

Get La Desbandá 1937 - 🇬🇧 English Edition

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